How the people of God use their resources matters. Throughout the Scriptures, it is both the privilege and responsibility of the people of God to care for each other, the widow, the orphan, the stranger, and the servants of God, as well as the place of worship (see Leviticus 23:22, Deuteronomy 10:18, Luke 12:33, 1 Timothy 5:3, James 1:27, and dozens of other passages). This is part of the biblical concept of stewardship, an idea that includes caring for the numerous resources God has entrusted to us: time, finances, talent, and even Creation itself. At Christ Church, we trust that our community will not only see the value of ministry together, but will take responsibility for the right ordering of finances for our long term health and vitality as a work of God. To this end, we share the information on this page in an effort to keep our community informed, to provide resources to help each person think through his or her personal stewardship, to demonstrate financial transparency, and to encourage all to give in appropriate ways to the church.
During 2024, we are focusing on stewardship. In particular, we are focusing on the important connection between Christian discipleship and generous stewardship. This focus includes special sermons, Zoom presentation from our treasurer, and other events along the way. As part of this focus, we are asking our members to think through their own giving -- whether you can commit to standing orders, whether it is the right amount or it can increased. It is important for the church member to take responsibility for funding the church, especially in such a difficult season as this pandemic. In order to make your intentions known, we ask you to fill out a stewardship form.
As we consider stewardship at Christ Church in particular, it is helpful to keep in mind some core facts about the church:
  • Christ Church Vienna (a chaplaincy of the Diocese in Europe in the Church of England) is financially self-supporting. Although we are a chaplaincy of the Church of England, we do not receive any regular funds from the Church of England, or from the United Kingdom or Austria.
  • Out of a commitment to caring for those less fortunate, we give 10 percent of our budget to other charities in Austria and around the world.
  • We give about 10 percent of annual budget to the Common Fund of the Diocese in Europe, to support its work and ministry.
With these core facts in mind, we can consider our finances over the last six years. They have been challenging years because of the pandemic.
In 2022, we had an income of €255.516 compared with expenses of €220.890. The increased funds were mostly due to grants from the Austrian government and meant that we could cover deficits from the previous COVID years. Our averages over the last six years (shown above) show a much more balanced typical state, with an average income of €219.310 and an average expenses of €214.358. In 2023, will need to raise significant funds in order to pay for our ministry commitments. Given this, we ask the church community to prayerfully consider additional tithes and offerings.
More information about giving to Christ Church can be found on our giving page. We welcome cash gifts in the offering, standing orders through Bank Austria (see below) or PayPal transfers in Euros, British Pounds, and US Dollars. Currently, the most useful form of income for us to receive is a monthly standing order as it allows us plan more effectively for our budget. But all gifts are welcomed.

BANK: Bank Austria
IBAN: AT85 1100 0005 2407 3400
ACCOUNT NAME: Christ Church Support Association
In an effort to help the members of Christ Church to think through their personal stewardship, we recommend the following resources: